Archive for March, 2012

Spring Break on a Budget – A Girl’s Stay-at-Home Vacation

Spring Break on a Budget – A Girl’s Stay-at-Home Vacation

Features, Op-Ed March 15, 2012 at 12:00 pm Comments are Disabled

By Emily Ferro – I’m sure that I don’t need to remind anyone, but spring break is coming up (in two days, but who’s counting?). While some students take this opportunity to hop on a plane and sink their toes into the sand, others are just content to go home and let school leave their mind for nine days straight. Then thereRead More

Student Play Leaves Audience Speechless

Student Play Leaves Audience Speechless

Arts and Entertainment, Campus, Features March 15, 2012 at 12:00 pm Comments are Disabled

By Samantha Wood – Immediately upon entering the small Megley Theatre at Salve Regina, audience members were greeted with an enthusiastic, “Hey! Look who’s here! here you are!” from the eight members of the cast and given Mardi Gras beads, effectively creating the atmosphere of the fun New Orleans nightlife. As the show began, the sounds of rushing water, clashes ofRead More

Unexpected Lessons from Abroad

Op-Ed March 15, 2012 at 12:00 pm Comments are Disabled

By Lauren Kane – The past few weeks in Syria have been devastating for not only civilians, but for those working abroad in the country. Journalists have lost  their lives working to report stories of injustice to the world. One tragic story especially caught my attention. Anthony Shadid, a reporter for the New York Times, died in Syria on FebruaryRead More

One White Face: A Lifelong Mission

One White Face: A Lifelong Mission

Campus March 15, 2012 at 12:00 pm Comments are Disabled

By Kaitlyn Boisvert – “Taking the bull by the horns” took on a whole new meaning for Hilary Corna when her professional life brought her to a business meeting inside a restaurant in Taiwan. As a representative of her company, it was essential that Corna presented a positive image of herself and her company to her fellow business confidentialities. SuchRead More

International News for the Week of March 9

Multimedia March 11, 2012 at 6:36 pm Comments are Disabled