Archive for June, 2014

What’s up next for Mosaic

What’s up next for Mosaic

Op-Ed June 9, 2014 at 3:55 am Comments are Disabled

Summer vacation – for college students, it’s a cherished commodity, as the impending “real world” looms closer (what do you mean jobs don’t run on a semester schedule?!). However, Mosaic is in the midst of some big and very exciting changes, and our summer vacation going to be (a little bit) less about the beach and more about redefining ourselves.Read More

Media Credt: Wikimedia Commons

Will a Coffee Habit Help or Hurt Students?

Campus June 9, 2014 at 1:50 am Comments are Disabled

By Stephanie Menders | Staff Writer A new addiction is brewing on college campuses all over America, and it comes in sizes tall, grande, and venti. In the past decade, coffee has quickly become a staple among college students, second only to the laptop. According to reports from the NPD Group, an organization that tracks American’s consumption trends, more andRead More

Q&A with Danielle Mosher, Assistant Buyer at Ralph Lauren

Q&A with Danielle Mosher, Assistant Buyer at Ralph Lauren

Lifestyle June 5, 2014 at 2:13 am Comments are Disabled

By Mia Lupo | Fashion and Lifestyles Co-Editor Ever wondered what it’s like to land a job with one of the biggest names in fashion? Danielle Mosher knows a thing or two about how to get there. Originally from Norwood, M.A., Mosher currently lives in Hoboken, N.J. and works at Ralph Lauren as an assistant buyer. Mosher earned her B.S. in MarketingRead More

But First, Let Me Take A Selfie

Uncategorized June 5, 2014 at 1:00 am Comments are Disabled

By: Cassidy Rota | Staff Writer Whether they are seen as promoting self-confidence or serving as a reflection of self-absorption, a “selfie,” is much more than a silly slang word. Recently, the anchors of The Today Show on NBC have been promoting a more positive outlook on body image, focusing specifically on the concept of selfies. In their campaign called,Read More

Credit: Wiki Media Commons

Can Salve Fully “Go Green?”

Campus June 5, 2014 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Sofjola Bego | Staff Writer Environmental friendliness is no longer a new concept to colleges, especially Salve Regina. For a while now, our school has successfully promoted and developed recycling in dorms, less usage of water bottles, and more bike utilization. However, how much effort does it really take to comply with these eco-friendly attempts? When we want toRead More