Sophomore Room Selection: Stressful or Successful?

Tara Stanzione | Managing Editor

Choosing where to live has proven to be a stressful time in many students’ lives. With so many options available and finals around the corner, sophomore room selection tends to sometimes cause anxiety among freshmen.

Katie Clerkin, Salve Regina freshman, is worried about getting a room that she likes. “I’m mostly nervous because I haven’t really looked at the housing yet physically. I’ve heard it gets stressful because a lot of people want the same rooms, so I have to have a list of a few different rooms I like.”

Gabriel Scott, Salve Regina sophomore, got dropped from his group because quad rooms ran out towards the end of the night. “It’s really tough; you have no idea what the people in front of you want in terms of rooms, so you are basically in the dark. The line went quickly and I had to quickly find someone to live with, but it worked out alright,” said Scott.

Scott added that although he had a rough experience, “there is no ‘bad housing,” he said. “Salve is such an amazing campus and we as students are spoiled with our dorms.”

Campus Life has tried to make the process as relaxed as easy as possible by constantly informing students of important dates and providing open houses and information sessions. The last information session is this Tuesday, April 14th at 4pm in O’Hare 160.

Emily Diomandes, Assistant Director of Campus Life, advises students not to let room selection stress them out. “The best thing you can do is be prepared! Attend Open House, talk to your RA, and have a list of multiple rooms that you are interested in. All sophomores will receive housing – and our office is happy to provide any assistance.”

Selection times are randomized and are posted on the 21st of April on the MySalve Portal. The first open house date is the same night from 8-10pm, followed by another on April 23rd also from 8-10pm. Sophomore buildings that can be toured include Narragansett, Founders, Moore, Hunt, Conley, Watts, and Young.

Kristin McDermott, Salve Regina junior, had an awesome room selection experience. Since her and her future roommate were both very involved and busy, they toured rooms separately and compared lists of the rooms that they liked. “It saved a lot of stress and unnecessary panic. Ultimately I would tell freshman the best way to prepare is to keep an open mind. No room is unbearable. Everyone just needs to take a deep breath and realize that we are all so lucky to be living in such a historic place,” she said.

Room selection will take place April 28th for males and April 29th for females in the Miley Garden Level Lounge at 6pm. In order to participate in room selection students must be registered as a full time student, with 12 credits for the fall of 2015 semester. Students are asked to arrive 30-45 minutes early and line up in the hallway by the bookstore where the Campus Life Staff will assist students and give instructions.

For more information about sophomore housing go to or contact the Campus Life Office at

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