Advice Column: How to stay positive when you’re overwhelmed with work

Anonymous asked: What are some ways to stay positive when I’m overwhelmed with school and work?

The end of spring semester can be the most exciting but overwhelming time of the year for college students. As the skies get sunnier and the air gets warmer, summer beach days feel like they are just around the corner— but we still have the deadlines of finals week and various essays and projects looming over our heads. Just as it gets the most tempting to skip class in favor of a day spent outside with friends, our classes suddenly become more important than ever.

The first piece of advice I have for you during these last few weeks is to make sure you keep your priorities straight. We have reached the home stretch— the last few weeks may be strenuous, but this is the time to give it your all. Assignments tend to be worth more at this point in the semester, so even if you worked your hardest up until this point, slacking off now will still affect you. Don’t let your last three months of work go to waste! Keep your work ethic strong and fix your mindset on finishing on the best note possible. Relaxing on the beach this summer will feel much more rewarding when you know you tried your hardest every chance you had this semester.

In between all the essays, projects, and finals, be sure to find little tricks to keep yourself sane. First, make sure you’re fueling your brain well by fueling your body. If you’re going to the library for long stretches of time, pack plenty of snacks and water. Keeping your blood sugar at a consistent level will help you stay focused on your work instead of your growling stomach, and staying hydrated will keep your energy level up. Set small goals and breaks to reward yourself as you work— for example, for every page you write, get up and take a walk around the library or scroll through Instagram.

Something else that can help make things feel less overwhelming is making a to-do list, outlining exactly what you need to get accomplished and when. This will help you prioritize and focus on one thing at a time, rather than feeling buried in an avalanche of stuff you have to get done. Another piece of advice is to bring a friend or two with you to the library. Though you may feel like you’re the only one drowning in the workload, the truth is we are all under the same pressures right now. Being around your friends who are fellow students during this time is sure to provide you with some good laughs, as well as moral support when you’re work ethic starts to drag.

Remember, even during the moments when you’re up to your neck in school work, you’re almost there! In less than two weeks, you’ll be home with friends, pets, and family, and your brain will already have blocked out the pain of finals week. Continue the hard work, stay focused, and try to get in some friend time during breaks so that you don’t break.

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