Club Coverage: Willow Literary Magazine

By Catherine Kierce | Associate Editor

Each semester, a group of dedicated editors and staff members meets weekly to create the Willow Literary Magazine, a collection of student work. The semester’s work always culminates in the release of the magazine, and the fall edition was released last week. 

Willow’s editorial staff for fall 2016 was comprised of six dedicated students, including Co-Literary Editors Allison Graham and Stephanie Menders, both class of 2017, and Managing Editor Marrissa Ballard, ’17. Weekly meetings ranged in attendance, at times including as many as 20 student contributors.

The material published in Willow is gathered from contributing students, who produce original artwork, photography, poetry and prose. Students showcase photographs of the Salve community and beyond, and author pieces based on personal experiences as well as universal subjects.

The fall 2016 edition of Willow “Looks different from what they’ve done in the past,” explains Menders. This semester showcases, “a wider variety, and does a better job showing diverse artists and different ideas,” she says.fullsizerender-8

Rather than the classic willow tree photograph, the cover to this edition features a Paris cityscape. The piece was submitted by Christina MacArthur, ’20, and Menders said it was chosen because it was in accordance with the theme of this issue.

According to the Letter From the Editors, Willow strives to, “provide an outlet for new students at Salve to showcase their artistry,” and editors were happy to see many of this semester’s submissions coming from the freshman class.

Willow dates back to its founding in December of 1998, when it was created by a team of students looking to, “Encourage and celebrate creative expression within the campus community,” according to its history. The magazine states that since then it has continued to grow, thanks to staff and artist dedication.

Copies of the Willow are currently available for free in news stands throughout campus.

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