It’s scary what girls wear for Halloween

By: Caroline McKay
Posted In: Opinion

For many girls and young women, costumes have gone from being creative to promiscuous.

Remember when your parents were in control of your Halloween costume? My mom decked me out head to toe in a custom clown suit fitted with a rainbow afro and a red sponge ball on my nose. Well today, you won’t catch young women in high school or college sporting a mommy-made costume. Halloween has turned into an excuse to show some extra skin.

As Halloween draws near, many students on campus have started brainstorming costume ideas. There are the token costume themes like being Disney characters, policewomen, and fairy tale regulars like Little Red Riding Hood. Websites are popping up with sexified Halloween costumes like with featured outfits by Playboy. So why do girls feel the need to wear a sexy costume? Boys seem to choose the funny and more creative route. We don’t see them running around in riskay outfits like the girls.

Corey DiFlaminies, 21, is a senior at Salve and is starting to wonder what she and her roommates want to be for Halloween. “I want to have a common theme this year. It would be cool because this is the last Halloween we have all together,” says DiFlaminies. She remembers in eighth grade when she and her girlfriends dressed up like a Britney Spears school girl. Even though the school-girl look got more attention than my stellar clown outfit, DiFlaminies’ all-time favorite costume was quite innocent. “When I was really little I was a witch and I loved the costume so much because of my big pointy hat,” says DiFlaminies.

Though DiFlaminies won’t be tricking or treating, or putting on that clumsy pointy witch hat, she is defiantly going to have a fun time with her roommates and snack on her favorite chocolate. “Girls think Halloween is the one night of the year that they can dress like you know what and get away with it. They just do it for attention,” says DiFlaminies. The worst costume she ever saw was when girls dressed in just underwear with wings to be Victoria Secret runway models. Though DiFlaminies isn’t quite sure what she will wear this year, she defiantly knows to keep things interesting as well as tasteful and perhaps wear more than just undergarments.

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