Man on the Street: Plans for Thanksgiving Break

By Ciara Speller-

It is late fall season; the leaves are changing, the air is getting crisp and the familiar smells that we enjoy are surrounding us: the aroma of pumpkin spice and crisp apple pie that we truly love.  It is also a reminder that the time of year when families all around the country get together and stuff themselves senseless, share laughs and create new memories. That’s right, it’s almost Thanksgiving. That special day where Uncle Joe gets the first slice of turkey and your little sister steals the last heaping of cobbler. However, besides the food, what does Thanksgiving truly mean to you and how do you honor it?

Personally, Thanksgiving is a time when I give special thanks for my family and friends and for all of my life’s blessings.  This year I will be adding to my list, my gratitude for having the opportunity to be attending college which many young people my age are denied. I am thankful for this opportunity, as I believe that not only is education the doorway to success but it provides you with a plethora of life experiences.

I will be traveling out of state to spend the holiday with family, which has been an ongoing tradition since I was born. I am curious to know; how will members of our SRU community be celebrating this Thanksgiving. “What are you thankful for this year?” I asked this question on campus and these are the responses I received.

Amanda Morton- “For the past three years my family and I have run the Thanksgiving Manchester Road Race. That morning we leave our house around seven and stop for breakfast along the way. After the race we go to my aunt’s house in Woodstock Connecticut and have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. I am thankful for the time I get to spend with my family and the memories we make during this holiday.”

Dan Forte- “On Thursday my whole family, from both sides will come to my house where there will be a lot of food and fun.  This year I am thankful for adjusting to my new life in Newport.”

Lindsey Rebelo- “I will be having Thanksgiving at my house.  Both sets of Grandparents will be there, as well as my Aunt and her baby and everyone else in our family who wants to stop by.  Our family tradition is preparing a month in advance, and cooking a ton of food with each other.  I am thankful for the privilege to be here at SRU and knowing that I will always have my family around Thanksgiving time.”

Taylor Peck-Moad- “On Thursday I will be having an informal dinner with my dads side of the family, and on Friday a formal dinner with my moms side.  At both dinners there will be good laughs and memories. This Thanksgiving I will be grateful for having my family.”

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