Move into the Library, Finals Week is Here

By Lauren Kane –

In a few short days, finals will be here, and no matter what time you might happen to be crossing campus, you are more than likely to be able to glimpse at McKillop library. In the coming week, the library will be brightly lit and fully functioning 24/7. Inside, late at night, students can be seen ‘burning the midnight oil,’ or in this case, the midnight-through-dawn oil. Salve’s only library has the long-held policy that the week before and during finals week, it never closes. It will be open for students to study 24 hours a day. However, for many students, these two weeks of unlimited McKillop access are just not enough. The hours during the rest of the semester are 12 p.m.-1 a.m. on Sunday, 8 a.m.-1 a.m. Monday – Thursday, 8 a.m.-8 p.m. on Fridays and 8 a.m.-6 p.m. on Saturday.

In the Bookends Café, located on the first floor of McKillop, one can find a “suggestion board” where students can anonymously voice their concerns and comments about the library. Written in all capital letters across the top of this board is, “Stay open for 24 hrs [sic.] please!!!”

Not everyone agrees with this suggestion. Sophomores Hilary Santos and Alexandra Stabile are content with the current hours at McKillop: “It’s always open when we need it to be,” said Stabile.

“They’ve always suited me, I don’t come super late. I’ll come and I’ll study for two hours tops,” said senior Nellie Tarini. Even though she does not utilize the full extent of the 24-hour finals week schedule, Tarini did acknowledge their importance.

“Some people do [use those hours] though,” said Tarini.

Other students aren’t so happy with the regular semester schedule. “I think there could be more [hours],” said senior AJ Albert. “People have exams all year ‘round.”

Albert is one of the students who can be found inhabiting McKillop during finals week.

“I use [the hours],” said Albert.

If you’re looking for an alternative place to study, there are other options in town. Redwood Library on Bellevue and the Newport Public Library on Spring Street are other local options to get away from McKillop. These libraries in town don’t operate longer hours than our on-campus library, but they do provide a place to get a change of scenery, or avoid a crowded third-floor of McKillop during finals week. Also, the basement of the Mercy Center is a quiet place to get away and hit the books. Even the lawn of Ochre Court is an option, considering the abnormally warm late fall weather Newport’s been experiencing.

For those set on getting their study on in McKillop, whether or not the University is going to alter the hours of McKillop Library in compliance with the requests of some of the student body is unclear. Enjoy the open hours while they’re here.

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