Newport Aromatherapy Offers Organic Approach

By: Melanie Brozek
Posted In: News

Newport Aromatherapy is a store well known for its organic health and beauty products. Customers are greeted by the smells of essential oils and all natural perfumes. Cynthia LaBonte, store owner and Certified Master Herbalist, assists all her customers personally, whether by phone or in person. All of the products sold in Newport Aromatherapy are hand-mixed by LaBonte.

Newport Aromatherapy opened its doors 17 years ago after LaBonte had a new baby girl. She intended on personally making everything from food to soaps and lotions for her new baby, and with a degree in biochemistry and a passion for creating everything organically, she was able to do so. LaBonte decided to open a store to subsidize all the money and materials she would have to buy and in hopes that other people would enjoy her hand-made products too. Located on Bellevue Avenue, LaBonte happily offers assistance with her wide array of all natural treatments. As effective as the typical over-the-counter products, the healthy alternative is guaranteed to provide aide for customers efficiently.

Q: Before you went to school, did you have any other background knowledge on making organic products?

A: I grew up on a farm, so natural beauty, healthy living, organic farming, pretty much [a] self sufficient existence growing our own food and killing our own animals. That was the lifestyle I was reared in.

Q: What do you think makes your store stand out?

A: I think the biggest reason it stands out, not in my opinion, but through everyone else’s eyes is that alternative medicine, herbal medicines, are controversial. I think that’s the main reason why it stands out, over good and bad publicity. In my personal opinion, it’s an old fashioned concept with a very modern fa

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