Paris to the rescue

By: Kalene Brennan
Posted In: Entertainment

No, she won’t be out drinking or walking around saying “that’s hot” anymore. Paris is heading to Rwanda.

Yes, the rumors are true. The famous-for-practically-nothing socialite has abandoned her inhibitions- yet again- but not for booze, or an aspiring actress/singer career. Now, Paris is interested in “social issues” in developing nations. Hold the Cristal, please.

In an interview with E! the infamous party-girl shared her plans to forgo her Prada bags and Chanel pearls. Her new fetish: traveling to Third World countries. Hilton intends to travel to Rwanda in November as a part of her post-jail promise to use her celebrity status to make a positive difference in the world. Is this chick for real?

Located in Central Africa, Rwanda has a long history of bloodshed, war, and poverty. According to the CIA Factbook, two tribes, the Hutus and the Tutsis, have been struggling to keep peace in the nation since 1959. Tensions finally burst in 1990, when a Hutu rebel regime began a civil war that led to the genocide of over 800,000 Tutsis. The war officially came to an end when the Tutsis defeated the Hutu regime in 1994. Rwanda has been making strides to improve the nation but continues to struggle with poverty and bloodshed.

Hilton is hopping on the celebrity bandwagon of philanthropic “hands-on” charity work, a la Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, and Bono. Like celebrities before her, Hilton now wants to commit herself to social justice. A revolution in worldview due to jail-time?

Maybe party-pals Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears will join the brigade next after their rehab stints. “There’s so much need in that area, and I feel like if I go, it will bring more attention to what people can do to help,” she told E! in an interview. Hilton’s attention has shifted from fashionable parties to fashionable charity. Lets hope her intentions for attention are in the right place and not a publicity stunt.

Paris goes as far to say that her Rwanda expedition will not be her last. She intends to visit other Third World countries, after filming her upcoming movie, Repo! The Genetic Opera, and the new season of The Simple Life, of course.

Bon voyage Paris!

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