Put Some “Spring”in Your Step: Local Gyms Around Newport to Try this Spring

By: Emily Mikolay | Staff Writer

With spring on the way, many of us are eager to get outdoors. We just want to feel energized and “alive” again after this winter. Anything to make us feel a little more human after 2020…

However, with the COVID-19 pandemic still among us, it can be difficult to find a safe place to go and workout without feeling as if we are breaking COVID-19 protocols or rules. With this in mind, I decided to do some research. It turns out that there are many fitness businesses in the Newport area that offer exercise classes and workout spaces that are completely safe for people to attend!

Below you will find three of the many fitness places in the Newport Area that offer a safe space to work out. Hopefully, this inspires you to go out this spring and get energized!

  1. YMCA

The Newport County YMCA is the perfect place for your everyday fitness regimen. You can go to the fitness center, take a class, or even use the pool to exercise! Things are a little different at the YMCA due to the pandemic, but they are trying their best to accommodate everyone during these crazy times. For instance, class sizes have been reduced to enforce social distancing. Also, pre-registration for classes, and use of the pool and fitness center are required. There are also fitness times dedicated for “at-risk”/older members to ensure that everyone stays safe. Social distancing is required and enforced (every other treadmill in use, etc.) and face masks must be worn at all times. Virtual Classes are also available to anyone with a membership, so make sure to look into that if you are interested!

Fortunately, the YMCA offers a student membership, which is $30/month for members ages 18-29 years old. However, there are a variety of memberships to choose from.

More information can be found here: https://newportymca.org

2. Mend Yoga

Mend Yoga is a completely online yoga studio that is based out of Newport, Rhode Island. Initially starting as a boutique yoga studio in 2019, the studio decided to go completely “remote” following the Coronavirus pandemic. The studio offers a variety of videos through Patreon which allows the member to choose, play, and even pause any fitness class they would like to participate in. The current fee is $15 a month, which gives you unlimited access to classes. This is such a great option for anyone who feels uncomfortable traveling to a new location for a fitness class. Mend offers classes from the comfort of your own home, so there is no need to worry or stress about travel and social distancing!

More information can be found here: https://www.mendyogari.com

3. Studio Barre

            Calling all barre fans! Studio Barre is a boutique barre studio based in Middletown, Rhode Island that offers a variety of classes for all levels! Most classes at the studio range from 45 to 60 minutes in length, incorporating cardio and stretching to give you a really great workout! To accommodate for Covid-19, only 15 participants can join a class and it is required that everyone wears a face mask throughout the entirety of the class. In addition, glass dividers have been placed at the barre to create “barre suites”. Barre Suites ensure that everyone is at minimum six feet away from each other and gives everyone their own space when working out. They are also offering virtual Zoom classes, so if you are uncomfortable being in studio this is a good alternative.

            There is a wide variety of price points for this studio: unlimited memberships, class packages, etc. There is a student discount here as well so if this is something that interests you, definitely check it out!

More information can be found here: https://newport.studiobarre.com

With these three places in mind, it is certain that you can find a space to safely workout in this spring! The most important thing is that everyone is different, so do what makes you the most comfortable. The experience would not be enjoyable otherwise.

Have a happy and healthy Spring everyone!


Photo Credit:

“Fitness Center” by Cantur City Hotel is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“Treadmill” by yuan2003 is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

“Yoga” by angelntini is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“Studio Barre wide2 photo” by StudioBarre is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

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