Salve 101: Top Spots for First Year Students

As a first year student, things on a new campus can seem foreign and intimidating, but we’re here to help you! Some of the most important campus spots are the hardest to find. Here’s a breakdown of our favorites and what you need to know about them.

STUDY ABROAD OFFICE Although you just arrived in Newport, it’s never too soon to plan for your next destination. For adventurous students of any age, Salve Regina offers an extensive study abroad program. You can find the office in the Gatehouse, and Melissa Beagle would love to help you begin your journey to study abroad. Italy, France, Greece or Costa Rica might be the perfect place for you to spend a semester that will change your life! Freshman year is the perfect time to start planning ahead so you have smooth sailing all the way to your destination.—Gianna Gerace

STARBUCKS Students at Salve Regina sometimes need a little jolt during the busy hustle-and-bustle between classes.  Luckily, Miley Hall recently opened a Starbucks Café on the garden level for your convenience. Housing all of the traditional Starbucks favorites, this new café is exactly what you might need! After ordering off of the menu, feel free to either take the drink to go, hang-out on the new couches, or rack up for a game of pool.  Whether it’s for a morning wake-up or a lunchtime snack, Salve’s Starbucks offers a wide selection of drinks that will be the ideal refreshment for your busy day.—Frank Lombari

ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT CENTER Taking core complement classes can be a bit of a struggle when you do not feel fully invested in the subject matter. The Academic Development Center can act as a guiding force on your road to success. Tutors at the ADC encourage you and help to hone your talents, making seemingly impossible classes completely passable. Writing tutors are also available to help perfect dreaded essays. Stop by McAuley and make an appointment to meet with a tutor so you can be well on your way to a high GPA.—Elizabeth  Maligranda

STUDENT ACTIVITIES The Student Activities Office located in the basement of Wakehurst is an essential to life at Salve. This office will keep you in-the-know with all things Salve and give you a chance to become more involved on campus. With different events being held each weekend by Student Activities, you can get to know your fellow Salve Seahawks and even win some cool prizes. Video games and more are available for student’s enjoyment in the Wakehurst game room. If you ever have any ideas, suggestions, or questions about new clubs, events or games, stop by the office and share! —Kelly Kern

GLOBAL CAFÉ Located on the first floor of Wakehurst, Global Café gives you a dining option that is quicker, more convenient, and sometimes tastier, than Miley. Most freshmen think that when Miley closes at 7:30, they’ll have to scavenge through their snack bin, order out, or starve. Fortunately, Wakehurst is only a 5 minute walk away, and after 8 it’s part of your meal plan! Soups, salads, sandwiches, subs, and more, Global Café has a lot to offer any hungry student.—Georgi DeMartino

CAREER DEVELOPMENT Fast forward four years, you are about to graduate and enter into the competitive job market. For most, this is a scary thought.  Career Development, located in the administrative wing of Walgreen Hall will help prepare you for this transition.  Whether it’s building your resume, networking with alumni or finding an internship, Michael Wisnewski in Career Development can equip you with the essentials for success in your prospective career.  Don’t wait until senior year, be proactive and visit the office to start strategizing for your future.—Lindsay LaChapelle 

THE BREAKERS Walking to class, a black Sedan with a Florida license plate pulls up beside you. A bit hesitant, you wait while they roll down the window. The voice within asks, “Where is The Breakers?” Stumped? It’s the enormous building across from Hunt and Reefe with a large steel gate. For Newport being a historical enriched town, it attracts many tourists. You can ask multiple upperclassmen their experience with tourists and they will most likely mention The Breakers.  Although it adds beauty to Salve Regina’s campus, don’t let the mansion become a hindrance. Be prepared for questions in the future (some cases more than three times in a semester).—Jordan King

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