Salve Styles: Winder Landaverde’s Confidence and Creativity

By: Amanda DiNatale | Staff Writer

As a fashion-forward icon on campus, it is not surprising that this edition of Salve Styles features a show-stopping outfit by Winder Landaverde, ‘23. Found at the fall concert in an orange, frayed-edge corduroy jacket and distressed jeans, it’s hard to miss the remarkable elements of this ensemble.

Beginning with the silver butterfly necklace, this subtle sparkle balances the focus of the outfit by creating a juxtaposition between the delicate jewelry and the weight of those iconic black high-heeled boots. The bold addition of Winder’s chunky boots incorporates power and height – despite their remarks that “my feet are killing me.” But alas, beauty is pain, and so the difficulties presented by the boots do not outweigh the benefits of accomplishing Winder’s fashion goal to “stand out and look really cute.”

The last eye-catching element of this outfit is certainly the complementary eyeshadow. By going the extra mile, Winder not only takes an opportunity to integrate another color into their palette but also to experiment with gender-bending fashion, one of their latest interests in the style world.

Something else that affects Winder’s approach to fashion is making sure that it is sustainable. As a conscientious shopper, they try to find reputable online sellers and shop frequently at thrift stores so that it can be ensured that the clothes are eco-friendly and ethically made. For Winder, this moral code can be exciting, by “giving a new life to fashion and clothes that have already been worn.” In this repurposing, there is history, sentimentality, and the beauty of moving into a changing future while appreciating the past.

Winder hopes that the future will include more pioneers of fashion – those who, like them, are able to find confidence and elegance in pushing the boundaries of style and in being true to themselves.

The best advice they can give is: “Don’t be afraid to look different, different is fun. More eyes on you, then you look good. Dress to be seen because life is too short.”

So, embrace Winder’s words and find ways to express your true self, because nothing can be more
fashionable than authenticity.

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