“Seahawks Stand With You”: Mental Health Awareness Event

By: Liam Cooney | Staff-Writer

This November 8th through 14th, Dr. Greg Johnson’s freshman seminar UNV-101 Social Entrepreneurship class will be conducting a virtual 5k walk/run to raise money/awareness for Suicide and Mental Health. The event is being called “Seahawks Stand With You,” and will take place at a location of the participant’s choosing. The Cliff Walk; around Salve’s campus; back home; in and around downtown Newport; wherever you can safely and effectively show your support for this worthy cause.

We’re living in quite a hectic time right now, with COVID-19, civil unrest, a heated presidential election, the year 2020…

It’s an elephant-in-the-room issue that we have always faced, and may be facing even more so in the present day: mental health, the constant and never disappearing silent pandemic that has only become stronger during Coronavirus. The side effects of stay-at-home orders, absence of many sports and extracurricular activities, loss of employment, perhaps even loss of loved ones during this time, and just overall feeling of extreme abnormality, is putting a strain on everyone with no sign of
letting go.

It is because of this circumstance that an event like this needed to take place on Salve’s campus, and this group of freshman seminar students have been working hard to make this event a reality. Each year for Social Entrepreneurship courses, Dr. Johnson challenges his students to make a real life company of their choosing, entirely on their own without his
immediate guidance or direction. This particular class chose to put on a 5k fundraiser, because while masks and other supplies are certainly necessary right now, so is the need and recognition for the unsung many who are suffering through this pandemic.

Project “CEO” and Salve freshman Graysen Sherer says some of the main goals of the project would be to “advocate for mental health issues going on in today’s world in relation to the pandemic,” as well as reaching the group’s $500 GoFundMe fundraiser goal, a goal which Dr. Johnson’s believes is certainly attainable.

Johnson said the class is doing a “phenomenal” job, telling me “the class has taken complete ownership of the project and outcomes with little to no help needed from me. Students, on their own, are making all of the decisions to make this project/business a reality and a success. It is an absolute joy watching the passion and enthusiasm everyone has for this project as well as the daily decisions that are made.”

Overall, Sherer says it has of course been a challenge to get this all going with present circumstances, telling me they “had wanted to do a walkathon all at once with a ton of students at Salve,” but that this “obviously wasn’t possible due to COVID-19 guidelines.” She feels the class has adjusted well to all the challenges they have faced in making this a reality, and that they “will be successful” come November 14th.

There is no mandatory cost to participate, however, all donations are encouraged and highly appreciated. All donations will once again be given to the local Newport County Community Health Center.

Be sure to tag the group while participating to officially show your support! Let’s all do something good for ourselves and our community this fall, and if possible show our needed support for this worthy and recognizable cause.

For more information and to donate/sign up for the event:

Sign up link: Here

Instagram: @seahawksstandwithyou

GoFundMe: Here

Cover Image: “One and Other-Mental Health” by Feggy Art is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

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