SGA Senator Spotlight: Zachary Cahill

By Marrissa Ballard | Managing Editor

Zack_CahillEvery two weeks, Salve’s Student Government Association selects a serving member to honor as their ‘Senator Spotlight.’ The most recent honor was given to junior senator Zachary Cahill.

Before Cahill, two other senators have been named as the ‘Senator Spotlight.’ Senator Lauren Healy, who serves as the Chair of the Safety and Security Committee, was the first to receive the honor. Victoria Johnson was also recognized as an “outstanding” senator.

“I feel very honored” Cahill stated, in response to receiving this recognition. “I work with an amazing group of people, who honestly all deserve it.”

Cahill also emphasized that even though he is getting the honor, “everything in SGA is a team effort.” According to Cahill, everyone in SGA has a part in getting things done.

“I feel like SGA is important because the students here are probably the most important part of the university.” Cahill stated. “They think they can’t change things, but they can, and their voices can be heard.” According to Cahill, SGA’s main goal is to serve as a voice for the student body, because “everyone should have a say.”

Cahill has been serving on SGA since September, marking this his first year as senator. As a part of SGA, Cahill serves on many committees, including the Public Relations Committee, the Athletic Committee, the Health and Counseling Committee and the Student Organization Recognition Committee. Cahill has also been recently promoted, and he will now serve as the Chair of the Environmental Committee.

As part of the Environmental Committee, Cahill and his fellow committee members hope to help Salve “go green.” Cahill also wants to raise awareness that every student needs to take care of the planet and Salve’s own small “ecosystem.”

“We want to get more recycling bins on campus, and make sure there is one at every dorm” Cahill stated.

Cahill also described how the Public Relations Committee is working on advertising SGA’s many open forums, where students can attend and give their opinions about issues at the university and suggestions for future projects. In the past, SGA has responded to student wants with projects like their effort to get a printer installed in Miley.

As a student here at Salve, Cahill is a Sociology and Anthropology major with a Communications minor. Cahill believes Sociology and Anthro are extremely important studies, even if they are “often overlooked.” He is also an FYT mentor, meaning that he helps freshman students’ transition into their life at Salve. Cahill describes himself as “highly motivated,” “compassionate,” and “eager.” Cahill will continue to work as a part of SGA on each of his Committees, and hopes to act always in the best interest of the student body.

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