Student Government Looks to Strengthen Community

By: Jessica Murphy, SGA PR Coordinator
Posted In: Opinion

This year, Student Government Association (SGA) is making strides to strengthen the Salve community. Efficient communication remains an essential goal throughout the campus. SGA would like to facilitate the passing of information within the university. While placing students in the forefront, there is new emphasis on better accessibility to elected student representatives.

Each fall semester, elections are held and a new Senate is put in place. There is one Senate member elected to represent every 100 students. This year, each senator was given a list of 100 students that he or she represents. The lists for on-campus senators include on-campus students, organized by residential areas. For off-campus senators, the lists are made up of students who reside off-campus.

The designated senator must take responsibility to keep his or her 100 students informed and denote all student concerns to SGA. The plan will allow for individual representation for students both on and off campus.

The entire Salve community is encouraged to utilize the SGA office hours. The office, located in the garden level of Wakehurst, is open Monday-Thursday 10 am – 8 pm, and Friday 10 am – 4 pm. Both senate members and executive board members will staff the office.

Senate members are asked to serve a minimum of two hours per week and the executive board members must serve four hours per week.

Hopes are high for better distribution of accurate information and the ability for individual voices to be heard. However, it is imperative that the community employs the capacity of the Student Government.

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