Student society aims to increase political awareness

By: Justin Desjardins
Posted In: News

There is a new student group on campus and they want to bring political awareness to the Salve community. President, Brendan McQuade, and advisor, Sr. Virginia Walsh of the sociology department, lead the group Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).

This is a local campus group that is currently are not affiliated with any national group. At the end of the Vietnam War, the national group, Students for a Democratic Society, dissolved. McQuade says they adopted the name, because it gives people a good image of what the society entails.

McQuade states that the group is informal and not tied to any one particular party or issue. Since the group was officially recognized last fall, McQuade says that it has been cool to see more people become involved, especially because the political landscape is changing.

Mr. John Quinn, dean of student life, says that Students for a Democratic Society has brought together students who want to see the United States live up to its full potential as a real democracy. He notes that they want to give a voice to sides of issues that the corporate media does not address.

Mr. John Rok, vice president for student life, says the group was one of two new political organizations recognized as student organizations by the student life committee in the fall. The other organization is Model UN, which is advised by politics professor, Dr. Clark Merrill.

Rok says that he feels that the society has brought political awareness to campus. Their goal is for students to participate in the democratic process.

Mr. Bart Carithers, director of student life, who has helped the students in forming the society, thinks that the group is positive because they challenge students to think about politics.

The group cosponsored the trip to the anti war rally that was held in New York City on Saturday, March 20. Students for a Democratic Society also cosponsored the Dr. Philip Melanson lecture last November, which discussed a possible conspiracy and cover up of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

McQuade says that for the rest of the semester, the group plans to keep a low profile. They preparing to sponsor movies to show at the Wakehurst movie theater, distribute flyers, and write editorial pieces as a group for the Providence Journal and the Newport Daily News.

If you are interested in joining Students for a Democratic Society, you can call McQuade at ext. 7798 or e-mail them at

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