Wakehurst Winter Wonderland

By Kaitlyn Boisvert –

The students of Salve Regina were able to get in the holiday and winter mood on Friday, Dec. 2 in the Wakehurst Student Building, with the CAB-sponsored event “Winter Wonderland”.

While there were no chestnuts roasting on an open fire, there were plenty of other festivities available that enabled students to enjoy themselves and get a true feel for the winter and holiday season. From food to activities, students had a lot of opportunities to have fun and embrace the festive atmosphere of December.

Media Credit: Kaitlyn Boisvert

According to Heather Barbour, Salve Regina’s Director of Student Activities, this year was the second that Salve hosted the Winter Wonderland event, after meeting much success the previous year.

“We feel that Winter Wonderland is so successful because it helps students truly get into the holiday spirit,” said Barbour. “It is always fun to plan for because there are so many things that we can do, and the student response has been very positive and thankful.”

Set on the Wakehurst lawn was a photo station with a Christmas setting backdrop, which enabled students to “Elf” themselves and take pictures with friends. Inside the building, students were able to decorate ornaments, decorate and eat gingerbread men, and craft holiday cards. The atmosphere of Wakehurst was filled with laughter and merry chatter as Salve students took advantage of these activities. Some students wore Christmas sweaters in order to truly get a feel for the theme, while members of Salve’s choral group sang carols.

Students had a wide selection of refreshments to choose from, such as chicken, fried ravioli, quiche, fruit, crackers, cheese and hot cider. There was also a beverage dispenser filled with hot chocolate and a bowl of mini marshmallows, as well as a chocolate fountain that students could use to cover their strawberries, marshmallows and other snacks.

These activities garnered many attendees, yet what was perhaps the most exciting feature offered was the horse carriage ride offered outside the building. According to Barbour, the horse carriage ride was courtesy of a local farm, and it was the first time such a service was offered at Salve Regina.

The unique offering excited numerous students, as the attraction garnered a long line of eager people. Although the waiting time was quite lengthy, and the nighttime weather was rather nippy, students were still determined and braved through the cold environment, chatting with their friends and huddling close together for warmth.

The people offering the carriage services were very welcoming and cheerful. At 10 p.m., the carriage driver called for everyone’s attention for a brief moment. Once everyone complied, he announced: “It is now 10 p.m., and according to Salve’s policy, we must be quiet and should not sing… But if we are just respectful and just sing softly, it should be okay! Because really, who can NOT sing when near a horse carriage?”

Students chuckled and voiced agreement to the proposal, and some of them even took the opportunity to sing softly.

Students were also able to have fun and further enjoy themselves when the driver allowed them to pet the horses, which were very friendly and seemed to enjoy the attention, giving small whinnies of delight.

Winter Wonderland lasted throughout most of the night, and although many students cleared out by 11 p.m., a good number of students remained in the building, relaxing with friends and snacking upon the remaining refreshments.

Most students expressed positive responses toward the event, marking the success of the evening. Many of them applauded Winter Wonderland, and CAB for sponsoring an event that provided free food, fun activities, and a chance to spend time with friends.

Carol Livant, a junior, particularly liked the event, and enjoyed the offered activities. “I am very happy that Salve offered this,” she said. “I loved the festive atmosphere and I really loved being able to spend time with friends while being able to get into the true spirit of the holidays.”

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