Week 2 of the Bachelorette: I’m Already Hooked

By: Rebecca Capozzi | Staff-Writer and Treasurer

“I liked you a lot more before you humiliated me.”

This was said by one of the men about Clare. Yes, about Clare, not by her. How often do you hear the contestants bashing the Bachelorette? Not too often, but it seems like we are going to have to get used to it during this season.

This was in response to one of the group dates during this episode, where the men played a game of Strip Dodgeball. It is exactly what you think it is; the losing team has to take off a piece of clothing after every game they lose, and they officially lose when they have no clothes on. Yes, no clothes. Not one single item. To make it worse, the losing team had to walk home with no clothes, while the winning team got to spend the rest of the night with Clare.

I know what you’re thinking: “That’s embarrassing!” Well, the men thought so too. Let’s just say, they were not happy after that date, ultimately leading Yosef to tell the guys that he does not like Clare as much because of how she humiliated them.

That moment may have humiliated the men, but there was a moment when Clare herself felt humiliated. Normally after group dates, there is an afterparty where all the men have the opportunity to have alone time with the Bachelorette. Once the Bachelorette gives her toast, men are normally fighting to spend time with her first. Well, the total opposite happened to Clare. After Clare gave the toast, there was long, awkward silence, causing her to awkwardly say, “So does anyone want to step up to the plate?” and “Don’t everyone jump at once!”

This upset Clare so much that she confronted all of the men about it, saying “If you guys all want to hang out with each other, you can do that and I will go home and go to bed.” In an interview regarding the situation, Yosef said, “The response from Clare tonight, I felt like it was hotheaded and kind of immature.” So, needless to say, I do not think Yosef is the biggest fan of Clare.

Clare went on a one-on-one date with Jason this week. She told him to write a letter to his younger self beforehand, and he seemed very nervous about it. He said that he is always scared of being vulnerable because “whenever I let my guard down, it’s always too deep for somebody.”

Well, it was not too deep for Clare. They both wrote down ways that people from their past have described them as, and two of the things that Jason wrote down were “manipulative” and “a player.” I’m going to be completely honest, if the man I was dating said that his previous girlfriends described him in that way, it would probably scare me away. But it did not scare Clare away, and she gave him a rose. They also burned her dress from when she was dumped by Juan Pablo, who was the 18th Bachelor, which I absolutely loved. Their date was all about forgetting their past, and I think they did just that.

Clare also sent someone home out of nowhere this week. When she was talking to Brandon, she simply asked why he decided to come onto the show. His response was that he found out that Clare was the Bachelorette and that he thought that she was pretty. That’s it, just that she was pretty. Obviously, Clare was upset about that, since the other men always complement her drive and her strength. So, she sent him home.

Oh, are you wondering about how the relationship between Clare and Dale is going? Well, Clare is still convinced that Dale is her future husband! He was on a group date where her and the men went through the 5 love languages, which are “words of affirmation”, “acts of service”, “receiving gifts”, “quality time” and “physical touch”. Let’s just say that she could not get enough of Dale’s touch, so she went back for more when they were alone during the date’s afterparty.

As I was watching the episode, I did not think any of the episodes could get any more interesting. Well, it looks like next week’s episode may top this one. The guys are beginning to notice all of the attention that Dale gets from Clare, so they begin to give them a hard time. The preview also shows the men having a conversation about whether or not the two of them had been talking on social media prior to filming, which I personally think they were. In addition, the preview shows one of the men yelling, “I expected way more from the oldest bachelorette!” So, it seems like next week’s episode is going to be very interesting. Should we start keeping a tally of how many times I am going to say that?

Cover Image: rose by Waldemar Jan is licensed under CC1.0 Universal (CC1.0) Public Domain Dedication

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