Weekly Horoscope

By: Lasha Seniuk
Posted In: Weekly Horoscope

Nov. 15-21, 2004

ARIES (March 21-April 20) Career disappoints from the past eight months now need to fade. Late Tuesday marks the start of a new era of business ambition or revised goals. Authority figures will no longer discount your suggestions. Plan new daily strategies and watch for subtle permissions. Wednesday through Sunday, powerful romantic attractions may be unavoidable. Ethical decisions and social politics are also accented: Remain quietly detached, if possible, and wait for obvious signals. All is well.

TAURUS (April 21-May 20) Over the next two days, friends and lovers may be highly unpredictable. Watch for late group reversals, cancelled plans and rare social outbursts. No serious or lasting effects are likely here, but do expect bold opinions or ridiculous comments. Someone close may need positive affirmation: Don’t disappoint. After Thursday business routines are easily disrupted by indecision or team mistakes. Legal issues will soon demand attention: Thoroughly check all paperwork.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21) Social delays may this week trigger unusual tensions between trusted friends. Late Wednesday, watch for co-workers and close friends to provide mistaken information. Scattered promises and changed schedules, however, will not disrupt long-term business projects or intimate relationships: Stay positive and wait for meaningful progress. Friday through Sunday, highlight romantic invitations and fast social flirtations. Don’t rush key decisions: There’s much to consider.

CANCER (June 22-July 22) Past emotional lessons will this week offer a unique social perspective. Before Thursday, carefully study ongoing attractions or strained friendships for repeated patterns. Someone close may need your energy and confidence to provide distraction. Stay strong and look for long-term solutions. Later this week, a previously silent colleague may voice bold opinions. Several months of hidden social politics in the workplace will soon become public: Remain quietly diplomatic.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Close relatives may this week challenge your ideas, plans or social choices. Avoid reacting with strong emotion: At present, family members may be feeling momentarily vulnerable. After mid-week, dreams and sudden insights are vivid. Remain sensitive to family revelations or glimpses of future romantic agreements. In the coming weeks, loved ones will push for increased intimacy and predictable home choices. Trust first impressions: Your long-term judgments are valid.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Business officials may soon introduce new personnel, policies or short-term assignments. Before Thursday expect team projects to be easily derailed by faulty planning or poorly defined documents. Thoroughly review all financial details: Revised proposals will soon require fast decisions. Friday through Sunday, a close friend may request delicate family or financial advice. If so, expect changing home decisions over the next three months. Go slow: Passions may be high.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) Money decisions and spending habits may this week require group discussion. After mid-week, close friends or relatives may revise long-term financial plans. Reliable paperwork will provide answers: Offer detailed explanations and clearly resolve all debts. Thursday through Saturday, a rare romantic attraction may be difficult to resist. Sensuality and complex social triangles are accented. Opt for steady progress over short-term promises: You won’t be disappointed.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) Over the next six days, workplace revisions may be annoying. After Tuesday key officials may be unprepared to make necessary business improvements. Don’t be discouraged. In the coming weeks, public records or rare legal agreements will provide motivation. Later this week a powerful social triangle may prove disruptive. Key issues may involve group loyalty or public vs. private information. Remain cautious: Your reactions to controversy will be closely studied.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) Long-term relationships now need to progress to a new level of home planning and shared understanding. A recent phase of listless social energy is now ending. Use this time to actively involve loved ones in creative projects or new group activities. After mid-week, business schedules may change: New policies, procedures or expectations are now due to be announced. Respond quickly to revised assignments: Your continuing loyalty will be greatly appreciated.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) Love, romantic promises and short-term social planning will be pleasing over the next few days. Emotional rewards and deepening attractions are now a continuing theme. After Wednesday watch also for a sudden financial proposal from a friend or relative. Remain cautious: In the coming weeks controversial business partnerships or last-minute work assignments will require detailed paperwork. Legal requirements may trigger delays: Avoid new spending, if possible.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21-Feb. 19) This week a close friend may wish to return to old ideals, habits or patterns. Areas affected may be family commitments, public displays of affection, or long-term social and romantic planning. Encourage a continued dedication to present and future growth: Familiar comforts will not provide the needed answers to lingering doubts or complex power struggles. After Friday, rest and pamper the body. Allergies, digestive irritations or minor skin ailments may be bothersome.

PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) Family involvement and romantic loyalties are highlighted over the next six days. Watch for lovers and close relatives now to adopt a fresh attitude of group acceptance. Although promising, a new outlook will take time to develop fully. Offer guidance but expect slow progress. Thursday through Saturday, older colleagues or trusted officials may reveal unusual mistakes or rare financial restrictions. Gather as much information as possible: New rules will soon be tested.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: Ask loved ones for special consideration or extra time for private reflection. Over the next 19 days, powerful insights concerning long-term career plans, business aspirations and social ambitions are available. Use this time to review past accomplishments and revise present goals. After mid-December a complex phase of job promotions, office politics or workplace power struggles begins. Key officials will opt for short-term success over reliable progress: Remain patient and watch for valuable opportunities. Early in 2005, social and romantic promises may also be affected. If so, expect close friends or romantic partners to contemplate detailed lifestyle changes or press for serious commitments. Finalize all key decisions before April 18: A consistent dedication to long-term goals will be necessary for success.


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