What’s New at Miley?

By: Amanda Valentine | Editor

New Schedule:

If you have classes from 11-1:30, you no longer need to miss lunch. Miley’s Mongolian Grill will now be open from 11:00-2:00, and the pasta bar will be open from 11:00-3:00.

New Food Options:

For breakfast, Miley has now added an overnight oats bar where you can choose from a new selection of toppings. These includes berries, the classic raisins, chia seeds and chocolate chips. Both soy milk oats and dairy-based oats are available.

For lunch, Miley’s panini press is back. In addition, one can now order buffalo chicken salad, salami, and pepperoni, as well as get Lays chips on the side.

Other notes:

Miley Mart’s espresso machine is fixed! Beth, Annie, and Kathy will be there for a hello and a latte.

Remember to wash your hands or use sanitizer, and don’t refill your water bottles in Miley! Use the bubblers around campus. Stay safe everyone!

Cover Image: GREEK SALAD + GYRO by aJ Gazmen on Flickr is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

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